Waste not, want not.
| Red Dot | Branding | Creative Services
The Lauridsen Group, Inc. (LGI) is an environmentally responsible company in a field — food and feed — that (perhaps unfairly) gets poor grades on sustainability. But at LGI, their entire business is built on byproducts. Zero waste is part of their DNA and the impetus behind the company’s heavy focus on research. LGI’s various companies (seven at this point) turn animal and dairy by products into usable, valuable additives to enhance animal and human health and nutrition.
That’s pretty awesome, right?
LGI approaches food and feed applications with the eyes of scientists. They’re constantly trying to discover new uses for by products and new markets for existing products. They even have a dedicated laboratory and pilot plant in Ankeny, Iowa, that all seven of their companies use to formulate new compounds, applications and exchange ideas.
After speaking with them, the direction we needed to take their marketing materials was clear. Their scientific approach? Integral to the logo we created.

The theme of discovery? It’s woven throughout their new corporate brochure.

And we continued using science imagery and the language of discovery on alobby display at their corporate headquarters.

We’re excited to keep working with LGI, and even more excited to learn what they discover next.